This book about fundamental of cardiovascular disease, genetics and personalized medicine, evaluation of the patient and others.
This book is volume 2 about fundamental of cardiovascular disease, genetics and personalized medicine, evaluation of the patient and others.
This book about Breast, spleen, bione and joints, soft tissuees and others.
Bukun ini membahas bebbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan, pemenfaatan, penggunaan, dan peruntukan, tanah yang meliputi masalah-masalah administrasi, pelaksanaan administrasi, pengatura tentang hak-hak tanah, pendaftaran tanah, landreform, pengadaan tanah, p[eralihan hak atasa t5anah dan sistem informasi pertanhan.
This book about the orthodontic problem, the development orthodontic problems, diagnosis and treatment planning and others.
This book about getting started with yoga, moving into position: basic yoga postures and others.
This book about the art of war...and money, east and west: the current state of affairs, how china came up the ladder (and so quickly) and others.
This book about why become a learning organization?, building a learning coping a lerning plan and others.
This book about engagement and culture redefined, happiness versus engagemenet, common misconceptions and others.