English for specific purposes
250 review questions with answers
we wish to extend a sincere thank you to the committed and talented team involved in the book. each of you has made a very important contribution in this revision.
to meet demands of a dramatically changing health care system, nurses must change and grow. they need skills in communication and interpersonal relations to become effective members of a collaborative health care team.
basic to any professional discipline is the development of a body of knowledge that can be applied to its practice. such knowledge is often expressed in terms of concepts and theories, especially in the area of the behavioral or social sciences.
nursing diagnosis handbook, eighth edition is the essential care planning reference you'll use throughout your nursing education and career. it guides you through every stage of the assessment and critical thinking process to help you build customized care plans for each patient's unique condition, health history, symptoms, and mental state.
today's nursing students are preparing for careers in an environment of ongoing change. a strong foundation in all levels of nursing skill is central to their success.