The aim the book is to introduce the readers to the essential problem of educational administration.
the comparative and International education series is dedicated to inquiry and analisis on educational issue an innterdisciplinary cross-national framework.
Tujuan buku pedoman ini adalah untuk menyajikan informasi dasar mengenai metode-metodeuntuk mnengembangkan dan menggunakan sistem bank soal untuk membuat soal tes dan tes.
materi yang dibahas : > Pengenalan penelitian tindakan kelas > penyusunan rencana penelitian tindakan > dll...
This book kis an introductory anthology focusing on same important aspects of inclusion. it highliht the promotion of the variety of different individual resources and possibilites focuses on diferent needs for support within the frame of the family.
materi yang dibahas : > strategi Kebudayaan > Situasi Kebudayaan kita > strategi kebudayaan nasional > penutup
in this, fourth edition we appraise recent emphases on fair testing, the right of individuals and criterion-referenced test,
The very fact that a book of this kind is running its third edition shows the need for a standard book on comparative education which this humble effort is serving.