A Revision Of Accounting For Engineers
The teaching of an introductory course in accounting through the
planned use of diagrams has gained steady acceptance Since it. introduction in mimeographed form by the senior author in 1926. It has the marked advantage of giving the beginning student an over-all view of the accounting process and of rapidly preparing him for more detailed and
advanced assignments.Representative of this method is a simple device known as a diagramm
atic ledger, by means of which the student immediately comes to grips with such items as: Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Surplus, Income and Expense, and Profit and Loss—all involved in a debit and credit relationship. The most complete presentation of this diagrammatic approach is
now made avilab1e in Principle of Accounting: A Diagrammati Approach.While in many respects this book is a second edition of Awunting for Engineers, actually we believe it is a complete development of the diagrammatic idea of presenting the accounting process.
The chapters on Accounthg. for Manufacturing, Cost Systems, and Standard Costs are presented in order to give the student with only one accounting course in hi schedule the opportnmty of learning at least the fundamental principles of accounting i industry.’ The incorporation of the latest accounting methods and techniques of accounting his led to the
formation of a new and more comprehensive set of practice problems for
the problem book which accompsnies the text.
We wish to express to our many friends in education and buidness our
deep appreciation for their many valuable suggestions and critAcismR.
Among those to whom we wish to express particu tRY appreciation are:
Professor ChRrles M. Merrick, Lafayette College; Professor P. J. Graber,
University of Tulsa; Professor. Edward H, Van Winkle, Rensselaer. Polytechnic Institute; Professors Chs.rles R. Scott, Andrew S. Schultz, Byron Saunders, and Mr. Robert N. AUen,a.U of the Depa.rL.znent of Industrial and Engineering Administration of Cornell University; and Mr. George W.Mann, Supervisor, Internal Audit and Tax Department, The Budd Cotip any, Philadelphia
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