Fundamentals Of financial Management
A large number of pedagogical elements and supporting materials have helped
make Fundamentals successful. Included are the following:
> Each chapter opens with a vignette describing how an actual corporation has
contended with the issues discussed in the chapter. These vignettes heighten
students’ interest by pointing out the real-world relevance and applicability of
what might otherwise seem to be dry, technical material.
> Throughout the book, there are “Industry Practice” and “Global Perspectives”
boxes which provide real-world illustrations of how finance concepts are app
lied in practice.
> An Integrated Case, which is generally related to the vignette, appears at the
end of each chapter. These “mini-cases” both illustrate and tie together the
key topics covered in the chapter, thus providing an ideal platform for lect
ures which systematically cover the key materials in the chapter.
> The end-of-chapter materials contain a large number of Questions, Problems,
Exam-Type Problems, and Starter Problems, which vary in level of difficulty
and cover all the topics discussed in the chapter.
> Most chapters contain a Computer-Related Problem, which enables students
to use a computer spreadsheet program such as Lotus 1-2-3 or Microsoft Exc
el to answer a set of questions. These problems reinforce the concepts coy-
ered in the chapter and provide students with an opportunity to become more
proficient with computers. Models for the problems are available to instruct
ors, who can, if they choose, make them available to students.
> Throughout the textbook, key terms are highlighted in the text and defined in
the margins. These “marginal glossaries” enable students to quickly find and
review key topics within the chapter. International references are also defined
in the margins.
> Self-Test Questions, which serve as checkpoints for students to test their understanding, follow each major section in the chapters.
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