materi yang dibahas : > strategi Kebudayaan > Situasi Kebudayaan kita > strategi kebudayaan nasional > penutup
in this, fourth edition we appraise recent emphases on fair testing, the right of individuals and criterion-referenced test,
The very fact that a book of this kind is running its third edition shows the need for a standard book on comparative education which this humble effort is serving.
Ilmu statistik adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang membahas (mempelajari) dan memperkembangkan prinsip-prinsip, metode dan prosedur yang perlu ditempuh atau dipergunakan dalam rangka pengumpulan data angka
tugas utama seorang guru adalah medidik, mengajar, dan melatih para siswanya. Agar mampu melaksanakan tugas tersebut dengan baik, guru harus menguasai berbagai kemampuan. salah satu kemampuan yang harus dikuasai adalah mengembangkan diri secara profesional.
The articles assembled in this volume offer a fresh approach to analysing the problem of corruption in developing countries and the k means to tackle the phenomenon.
This book provides a multidisciplinary interrogation of the global anti-corruption campaigns of the last ten years, arguing that while some positive change is observable, the period is also replete with perverse consequences and unintended outcomes
Lords of Poverty is a case study in betrayals of a public trust. The shortcomings of aid are numerous, and serious enough to raise questions about the viability of the practice at its most fundamental levels. Hancocks report is thorough, deeply shocking, and certain to cause critical reevaluation of the governments motives in giving foreign aid, and of the true needs of our intended beneficiaries.