Anda akan mendapatkan intisari yang lengkap mengenai topik-topik yang dibahas. latihan soal dalam jumlah yang banyak akan menguji seberapa jauh penguasaan anda akan materi yang disajikan.
Buku saku yang ringkas ini memberi informasi dasar yang praktis dan mudah kepada mahasiswa kedokteran, residen, maupun dokter praktik. buku ini terdiri dri 25 bab yang menjabarkan secara ringkas berbagai gangguan psikiatrik, psikoterapi, dan terapi biologik yang disertai gambar reproduksi berwarna obat-obat yang sering digunakan di dalam bidang psikiatri.
the study of the human body probably began with our earliest ancestors, who must have been curious about how their bodies worked, as we are today.
the purpose of the practitioner's guide is to present a summary of fiscal impact analysis for instructional purposes. it is designed to be used by experienced planners for the familiarization of entry level planners and lay public officials or planning board members with techniques and procedures to evaluate the public costs and revenues associated with development.
the objective of this book-as it was for the four prior editions is to introduce undergraduate engineering and science students to the essentials of electrical engineering.
this book is part of a set of teacing materials designed primarily for use with senior biology courses in australian schools in the 1980's.